Growth investments
These investments generally include Australian and international shares, direct resources and property investments. These assets are expected to experience capital growth and a degree of risk is involved. See also interest bearing investments.
Gross IRR (also see IRR)
The internal rate of return inclusive of management expenses and fees. It is the annual percentage pre-tax return from an investment (or fund’s) cash outflows (including the cost of investment and costs of formation and management) and cash inflows (including sale proceeds from investments over a period of time (adjusting for the fact that money […]
Gross National Product. The GDP with the addition of interests, profit and dividends received from abroad. The GNP better reflects the welfare of the population in monetary terms, although it is not as accurate as a guide to the productive performance of the economy as the GDP.
Gross Domestic Product. A measurement in dollar terms of aggregate goods and services produced within a particular economy over a year excluding income earned outside the country. Considered one of the main yardsticks of the health and vitality of the particular economy.